Troop Finance Issue Form
Please use this form to communicate to GSNNJ any financial issues related to either the Fall Product Program or the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Troop Number
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your Volunteer role:
Troop Leader/Co Leader
Troop Fall Product Program Manager
Troop Cookie Manager
Service Unit Team Member
Which financial issue have you experienced?
A family has an outstanding balance due to the troop
Our troop does not have sufficient funds to cover a scheduled ACH withdrawal
Other - please explain in one of the boxes below
Please list the reason why your troop does not have sufficient funds to cover an ACH withdrawal if that is the reason for completing this form.
Please list all details regarding the issue and any attempts to contact a family regarding non-payment to the troop if that is the reason for completing this form.
Should be Empty: